Sep 3, 2008

eNd of sUmmEr... tO CoLLeGe AgAin...

College begins again...
After 3 months of semester break...
No class...
However need to collect timetable...
Timetable abit suck...
Because Monday got 4 class continuesly...
Sadly i have only have 30 min break...
Saw Chris...
Talk to him for awhile...
Give him advise and calm him down...
Study hard Chris...
Don't play around... =p
Logen keep calling me...
But i didn't answer..
Because he want me to go see him...
Then i need to go to the main block...
Got orientation for the freshies...
Since i under accounting club so i need to tour them around....
Ian did all the talking and i just add in...

-At the main block-
-Showing the freshies the busary- $
-UEL Board-

After the tour saw Chris again...
Talk to him again..
Help him to choose subject...
Then went to the class to hear Dr. James give speech...

-DR James giving a longggg speech-
Then the LAN lecturer gave a speech...
Its was boring so i went out to talk to Ian and others...
Later went to see Ailynn...
Chat with her and eat...
I never eat my lunch...
Ailynn drove me back...
To my bath...
Ate Mcd...
Wattch CSI....
Went to sleep.... zZZZZZZZZ


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