Nov 16, 2008


Hey guys...
On 15 NOV 2008...
That is yesterday...
No time to blog
So i blogging today about yesterday...
I went to to college yesterday...
Suppose my dad to send me to college...
Bcoz he alwiz send me to college on saturday...
However, my little sis got appointm
ent with skin doctor...
Bcoz she wan to remove a mole on her leg..
So i need to take public transport...
So i took t
he train...
On the way college Amar msg me that we going to visit a factory for our assignment...
I was relief bcoz at last we going to visit a factory...
I reach to college ab
it late...
But as usual Amar not yet arrive...
So i waited wit Ramadhan and Mahazou...
Later Amar ca
me wit a car...
We went to Mahazou place to take camera...
Forgotten mine.. sigh..
So we continue our trip to factory...
We actually lost...
But lucky the factory manager came and show us the way...
That was a relief...
I thought will be a big factory..
But it is small..

Bcoz they dont manufacturer at there...
They actually import from another country...
This factory pack the fiber glass and sell to the customer...

But we have learn alot...
Now we have done our visiting and interview...

So is time to start our assignment wit 4000words...
I hope we can finish in time...
On the way back to college i was hungry...
So i didnt talk much in the car...
So this guyz trying to make joke and singing...
U guyz are funny and crazy...
Especially Amar that trying to sing with my name in..
Crazy fella...
Im so hungry so Amar send me and Ramadhan at McD...
I ate fish fillet...
My dad pick me up..
At night i was trying to do my assignment..
However i stop and watching Russell Peters on youtube...
He so funny...
You guyz should watch it...
But mostly he will try to insult people but in a funny way...
Watch it...

Back to my assignment now...
Love Ya..


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